Sunday, June 26, 2011

Typical Mid-Morning Sunday ...

*  Look in bathroom mirror

*  Debate with self if I look "old for my age" or "young for my age"

* Raise arms in air to remember what my boobs looked like "B.B." (AKA: Before Baby)

*  Remembering back on how great my boobs once looked "B.B."

*  Lowering arms

*  *sigh*

*  Turn sideways and suck in

*  Admire "suck in look"

*  Forget to breath as I am sucking in

*  Gasp for air

*  Suck in again

*  *knock at door*

*  Kid at the door

*  Kid wants snack

*  Tell kid that Dad is in the kitchen and to go ask him

*  Notice my eyebrows need to be tweezed

*  Suddenly notice one single strand of eyebrow that is not dark brown

*  Debate with myself if it is gray or if I am suddenly going blonde

*  Convince myself that I am suddenly going blonde

*  *knock on door*

*  Kid back at door

*  Kid wants fruit chew package opened

*  Remind kid that their Dad is in the kitchen AND 2 feet away from the cabinet that has the fruit chews in them

*  Sucking in again

*  Notice that the bathroom sink needs to be cleaned

*  Spray Scrubbing Bubbles on bathroom counter

*  Decide to clean the toilet at the sametime

*  Decide to clean the shower after that

*  *scratching at the door*

*  Dog is trying to get in the bathroom

*  Look in mirror and suck in again

*  Lean closer to the mirror and wonder if that is the begining stages of crows feet

*  Speaking of feet ... debate with myself if I can escape long enough to go and get a pedicure today

*  *knock at door*

*  Kid at door

*  Kid wondering what is taking me so long

*  Kid asking me if I am pooping this long

*  Kid informs me that I need to eat more veggies and fruit

*  *sigh*

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