Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I hate Mondays ...

Monday's are so darn busy for us.  Well ... let me rephrase that ... Monday's are so darn busy for Harleigh.  It just so happens ... that the 3 activities that she is involved in at the moment ... ALL fall on Monday. 

Every. Single. One. Of. Them.  *ugh*

So once school is let out ... I am running around ... better yet ... driving around ... like a chicken with my head cut off. 

We have to fly drive carefully back to the house so Harleigh can get changed into her leotard for gymnastics ... which means she leaves a trail of clothing along the way for Mommy to pick up once the night is over. 

All 3 kids unload their bookbags at lighting speed ... and suddenly I have a tornado of papers coming at me at once ...

Some need signed ...

Some need complemented on a job well done ...

Some need to be hung on the frig for the world to admire ...

Some need to go in the trash when Eythen is not looking because he is CERTAIN I need to save every single thing that he brings home ...

Some things are for me to read ...

Somethings are art projects sent home for one of the kids to make and then get sent back to school.  AKA:  Mommy needs to make a mental note to remember that she has to go to Hobby Lobby to buy the supplies to make the newest craft project.

Somethings need completed by the next day for school.  AKA:  Homework

I have all of this coming at me ... thrown at me ... tossed at me ... handed ever so nicely to me ...

All the while ...

Someone is screaming "Mommy!" ...

Someone else is screaming "I am hungry." ...

Someone else is screaming "Momma" ...

Someone else is screaming "Mom where is my blue leotard that I TOLD YOU I wanted to wear?" ...

Someone else is screaming "I am hungry." ...

Someone else is screaming "Do I HAVE to go and sit and watch Harleigh?" ...

Someone else is screaming "I am hungry." ...

All of this MUST happen in 8 minutes or less ... or we will miss gymnastics.  And let me tell you ... for the price that we pay for her little round hiney to flip off that balance beam and for the blood to rush to my head every single time she does it ... we will be at gymnastics hell or high water every single session!!!

So ... 10 minutes later ... Eythen is insisting that he DOES NOT have to go to the bathroom ... even though I INSISTED that he try JUST IN CASE he ends up having to go while Harleigh is in gymnastics.

NOPE!  He is CERTAIN he DOES NOT have to go.

Please remember this for future use ...

11 minutes later ...

Breeanna has her homework in hand ... Eythen has his homework in hand ... and Harleigh has her very large cookie and pop in hand (hey ... on days like today ... I am in NO MOOD to push the "let's eat something healthy" issue.  Let's just get OUT the door!!!) ... we load up ... and are on the road 3 minutes behind schedule.

3 minutes is much better than 8 minutes behind like the week prior.

While we are on our way to Pinnacle Gymnastics ... Breeanna normally does her homework in the car and I never hear a peep out of her.  Harleigh is normally shoveling in her "nutrition" to last her through gymnastics ... then she shovels in more "nutrition" to last her through basketball practice ... then she shovels in even more "nutrition" to last her through hip hop dance class.  Eythen normally has reading that he has to do on Monday nights ... so I have him read his books to me in the car once we park and Harleigh goes into the her gymnastics building. 

But ... today ... Eythen asked if he could read to me while I was driving.

Sure ... go for it ... if he did not know the word ... Breeanna was 6 inches from him and could help him sound it out.  Yeah ... yeah ... yeah ... Most Hands On Parent award goes to ... ME!!!!

So as I am darting in out of of traffice driving ever so carefully trying to make up for the 3 minutes we lost trying to get out the door I hear my son reading his book.

"This is my hat."

"This is my coat."

"This is my mitten."

OH!  He must be reading a book about winter clothing.  How cute!

"This is my boot."

"This is so boring."

What did he just say?!?!?

"This is my sweater."

OH!!!  I must have heard him wrong!!!

"This book is to easy."

HUH?!?!?!  I am pretty sure I heard him right this time.

"This book is for babies."

"This is my sock."

"This is my scarf."

I am gonna have to look at this book once we get to the gymnastics building.

"This is REALLY boring."

So I glance in the rear view mirror and ask him "Eythen ... are you SURE that is how the book goes?!?!?"

I get a shit eatin grin from the back seat ... and Breeanna shaking her head back and forth while mouthing the words "NO!" to me.

10 minutes later we arrive ... Harleigh flies out of the car and takes off running into the building.

And what words do I hear come out of my son's mouth???

"I have to go to the bathroom."

I hate Mondays.  *sigh*

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