Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Picture This:

Picture this:  Wednesday evening.  Windows are open.  Kids are eating dinner on the back porch.  Clint and I are enjoying some nice conversation in the living room.  Over hearing giggles and silly conversation every now and then between the kiddos.

Situation:  Eythen wants to go to the front of the house and ride his bike.

Problem:  Clint and I are still chatting about our day ... and do not wanna get up yet.

Solution:  Eythen can wait at the front of the house, on the steps, until Clint or I get there.


Picture this:  Breeanna opens up the patio door and says, "Where is Eythen?"

Solution:  I told Breeanna that he should be sitting on the steps out front waiting on Clint or I to come out there.


Problem:  Breeanna informs Clint and I ... that he is not there.

Solution:  I asked Breeanna to go and see where Eythen was.


Problem:  Eythen is at the end of the driveway talking to one of the other kids that lives on the cul-de-sac.

Solution:  I asked Breeanna, "Go and ask Eythen where is he suspose to be."


Problem:  Breeanna relays the message of, "Eythen says he is suspose to be on the steps."

Problem solved ... which leads to the solution, right?  Wrong!  You would figure that I would be saying that Eythen went back to the steps and was waiting for Clint or I to come outside. Well ... that would be the logical thing for someone to do. But not if you are a clever 5 years old ... and not if your name is Eythen James Moore. 

Picture this:  Clint and I go back to chatting about our day.

A very BRIEF moment LATER ...

Problem:  Breeanna says, "So ... uhhh ... is Eythen suspose to be back AT the steps?"  Clint gave me a "what the heck smile" while I gave a *sigh* and shaked my head.

Solution:  I told Breeanna to go and ask Eythen, "Why is he suspose to be on the steps?"


Problem:  Breeanna relays the message that Eythen said, "Because Mommy and Daddy are not outside."

Problem solved ... which leads to the solution, right? Wrong! You would figure that I would be saying that Eythen went back to the steps and was waiting for Clint or I to come outside. Well ... that would be the logical thing for someone to do. But not if you are a clever 5 years old ... and not if your name is Eythen James Moore.


Picture this:  Oh come one ... there is no picture this at the moment.  Breeanna is running back and forth at lighting speed.  She is really digging this "I am delivering the messages from Mom and Dad" bit that is going on the present time.  This is the one time she can technically, "tattle" and get by with it.  So ... the faster she delivers the message ... the faster she gets to come back and tattle ... I mean ... "inform us" on what is going on.

Problem:  Breeanna "informs us" that Eythen is still chatting with a fellow neighbor at the end of the driveway that lives on the cul-de-sac.  Breeanna says, "Uhhh ... still not on the steps."

Solution:  I told Breeanna to go and ask Eythen, "Mommy and Daddy are not outside.  Aren't you suspose to be on the steps waiting for them."


Eythen's solution:  Breeanna relays the message of, "Eythen says he WAS waiting on the steps, but you took to long."

Picture this:  Clint and I shaking our heads and can not help but laughing over the whole situation.  Sometimes it is better to just go with the flow and not worry about crap like "sitting on the steps waiting for Mommy or Daddy."


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